Addresses additional issues with updated time zone information.
Addresses the redenomination of local currency that the Central Bank of Venezuela implemented to enter the Bolivar Soberano into circulation. Addresses an issue that sometimes prevents Microsoft Edge extension scripts from appearing in Microsoft Edge DevTools. Addresses an issue that sometimes prevents documents from appearing in the Microsoft Edge DevTools debugger. Windows 10 Build 19044.1320 (21H2) Is Out for Release Preview Channel Insiders Microsoft has assured there are no known issues with the build being sent to Windand that it addresses general issues and adds quality improvements. There's still no word on the public re-release of version 1809, which received its first cumulative update on October 9.
Microsoft has now started rolling out Build 17134.376 (KB4462933) to Windows 10 April 2018 Update version 1803. However, the latest Windows 10 October 2018 Update and the April 2018 Update were left out.
Following the regular Patch Tuesday updates, Microsoft had pushed out some more fixes to the older versions of the operating system.